The past is history....The future is mystery....The present is where we belong...

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


don't walk behine me, i may not lead
don't walk in front of me, i may not follow
just walk beside me and be my friend
to like and dislike the same things,
that is indeed true friendships

real live preacher-angel
when someone allows you to bear his burdens,
you have found deep friendships
aizabel parines-angel
i believe in angels,
the kind that heaven sends
i am surrounded by angels
but i call them friends
leeya myra-angel
hidup ini umpama gula-gula...
masam, manis dan kadangkala masin
without friends no one would choose to live,
though he had all other goods
thomas jones-angel
friends may come and go
but enemies accumulate
hush elliot-angel
all people want is someone to listen
frienships is certainly the finest balm for the pangs of disappointed love
Phami abdullah-angel
kasih, sayang,dan cinta adalah tiga perkara berbeza, ketiga-tiganya akan menjadi lebih bermakna apabila disatukan
passion make the world go around love just make it a safer place
Iman Al-Ghazali
kebahagiaan terletak pada kemenangan melawan hawa nafsu dari kehendak yang berlebihan
tanpa keberanian, mimpi tak bermakna
you,as always, my savior, my angel in disguise

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