Ms Y + Mr X = YX
Ms Y was looking to Mr X for 23 yrs. she not found yet who is Mr X. Beside that, Ms Y also not sure whether Mr X that she will found is Mr Right or not. The problem is how to looking for Mr X who is Mr right for Ms Y?
N: of course not right because X is totally false.
D: the answer is "it is written". The Mr X or Mr right is coming soon. we just need to wait and see who is Mr X who is right to Ms Y.
N:we can refer to previous journals. they can helps us in our literature reviews part since we already find the problem.
faham tak apa yang berlaku diatas...sbb aku sndiri tak paham sbnrnya...semalam dah ada orang tanya Ms Y ni kenapa tak ber'bf'...and the answers is don't know..becoz man don't like a girl like Ms Y..today Ms Y was asking again..but in difference mode..very fenin....dah la this morning mimpi mcm tgk drama kt tv ..Ms Y yg jadik heroinnya...heronya lak tak suka ms Y..huhu..sedey...n geram...dah ar..malas nk ingat....
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